Paul Lambrecht

Quote of the year from my three year old daughter: “I’m not big and strong, but I’m tough.” I can learn a few things from such a one as this.

The Finality of the Declaration

“Silent Cal” wasn’t usually loquacious, of course. But when he wound it up, the result was often a gem. Enjoy a couple pearls from his reflection on the 150th anniversary of Independence, or read the whole thing for yourself—it is well worth your time today: “About the Declaration there is a …

“The snow drifts are calling and I must go.” 🐕

Aaaaand the Brewers got 30 base runners in two games? You tell me that and Burnes and Peralta start both those games at home against a team with a -15 run differential and I’d take that every single time. This team is a sadness factory. ⚾️

Welp, if you told me the Brewers would open their postseason at home, with Burnes pitching, and that they outhit Arizona decisively, played a clean defensive game, and the Arizona starter left after two and two thirds, I’d have taken that deal. But here we are. Such is baseball, and Brewerness. ⚾️

WSJ - Why Schools Are Building Housing For Teachers: “A 10th-grade English and journalism instructor, Millet, 24 years old, now pays $400 a month to live with two other teachers in a home provided through a partnership between Kansas City Public Schools and Teachers Like Me…[Teton …

They’ll always be the enemy, but they’ve got a nice view. ⚾️

Loving the Good by Climbing Merry's Ladder

If most of the tragic figures of Tolkien’s Silmarillion and the LotR are going wrong by forgetting that the goods they inherit and seek to preserve by their own hands are only a part, and not the whole, of the good that is to be sought, I raised the possibility that Samwise Gamgee gives us the …

The Metastization of Virtue

Inspired by a re-read of Tolkien’s The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings, I’ve been riffing on an idea I got from @ayjay: namely, that one of the biggest problems to be worked out in these stories is the temptation to take a healthy appreciation for an inherited good and then seek …

Making and Inheriting in LotR

So I’ve been re-reading The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings this summer and they have reminded me of some things that I have encountered in the last year or so. As I just finished book V of LotR, I was particularly reminded of something @ayjay wrote on “makers and making” …

Snow Canyon, Utah—Atop the Petrified Dunes

Family vacations are a ton of work. That face is why we do it.

What I'm Doing Here

My formative experiences of the web were simple. I first remember seeing a computer hooked up to the internet when I was at a summer music clinic. A particularly nerdy camper (and it was band camp. so of course we were all nerdy) was posting to an interface that to my eyes seemed incomprehensible, …